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Market Monday - Vol.25

🏡 "Primo Vista" 🏡

ONLY $145,000!

Beautiful building lot with access to Deep Creek Lake through community dock slips in Monte Vista Heights subdivision. Build your Deep Creek Lake dream home, convenient to shopping, dining, and Wisp Ski Resort. Dock Slip # 25 - Group I Monte Vista Heights

Interested in learning more about selling your Garrett County, Maryland Home? ⬇️⬇️⬇️

💻Email by clicking here 📱Call C: 410-487-4914 // O: 301-397-4700

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Market Monday Stats

🏡 October 7, 2019 - October 14, 2019 🏡

  • Garrett County Homes For Sale 444 Residential Properties on the Market

  • 16 New Homes Listed

  • 6 Homes Sold

  • 8 Homes were Withdrawn, Cancelled, or Expired from the market

  • 17 More Homes are now pending settlement

  • The average close price of homes that sold last week was $197,317

  • The homes that sold last week got an average of 90.3% of their list price

  • The homes that sold last week were on the market for 49 average days


Lake. Life. Love.

For as far back as I can remember, the Autumn Glory Festival has been a magical time of year here in Garrett County. My family has some traditions that will never change, but we also enjoy trying new activities and trying different things each year. This year, we stuck with our traditional Thursday night at the Fireman's Parade and the Oompah festival. On Friday, we enjoyed a visit to the Cove Run Farms Corn Maze, a new tradition for us! Saturday is all about the downtown atmosphere and the Grand Feature Parade. Typically, we find a delicious turkey dinner after the big event. But this year, we mixed that up too, the Terah Crawford Band played a chilly evening show on the deck at Manor Steakhouse and instead of going out for traditional turkey, my mom made THE BEST turkey dinner ever at my parents farm on Sunday evening. The gorgeous sunsets and fabulous moon we enjoyed made this year's celebration even more special! I hope you all had a beautiful Autumn Glory Weekend!


Tip of the week


Regular house-hunting isn't always easy, but adding distance into the mix can present challenges you don't have when looking a few neighborhoods over for a new home. While it may not be a walk in the park to buy a home from far away, it is possible. If you find a great agent and follow these steps, you can take away some of the stress that comes with moving long-distance.

1. Start Your Research- and Call ME!

Knowing what is in your neighborhood is something we tend to take for granted. You know where the best sushi place is and exactly what grocery store is closest to your home for those last minute runs. When moving to a new neighborhood, especially in a new state, it is key to decide what is important to you when it comes to proximity. Does your new house need to be near a park for your kids? Do you need to be 5 minutes from the closest coffee shop? You'll also want to look into crime rates and school ratings if you have children. Researching your potential neighborhoods will help you feel better about choosing a new home that may be far away.

2. Use Technology To Your Advantage

Google Maps may not be constantly updated, but checking out an aerial view can give you an idea of what your neighborhood looks like if you don't have the opportunity to travel right away. Getting the lay of the land is just another way to feel comfortable about your new neighborhood


3. Have a Travel Budget

Even if you have a great agent showing you as many homes as possible, you need to plan for the possibility of making more than one trip to your future home state if you want to see it in person. While you may have adjusted your budget already to purchase a home, consider factoring in travel costs so you aren't stressed about eating out or gas money during your trips - that way you can focus on finding your dream home.

4. Decide Your Non-Negotiables

Choosing a home from out of town already comes with challenges. If you're heading in to check out houses and have a weekend filled to the brink with potential home tours, it will make your life easier if all of those homes meet your requirements. Instead of seeing all homes that 'might' fit, have your agent remove any houses that have a non-negotiable feature - whether that is no backyard or not enough bathrooms. It will make the most of your time and remove some of the stress of seeing homes that aren't for you.

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Taylor-Made Deep Creek Vacations & Sales


35 Towne Centre, McHenry, MD 21541

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